I'm a 26 year old, trying to live an happy, healthy and mostly vegan life. In the last few years I've learned a lot about myself and become more aware of who I am and what I want to do in this life. There is still so much to learn, thank god! Because I love learning and exploring more of life;-)
I live life to the fullest in Amsterdam, living together with my boyfriend who loves to snowboard, surf, enjoy life, eat clean and be aware of the mind-set and how it works. You can see more about him by following his blog: http://www.empowernetwork.com/actionlifestyle/
We have a roomie, who is a beautiful, cute and also very dominating girly cat...but honestly..the love of my life! I'm a big fan of animals, all animals. I love cats, dogs, chickens, cows, tiger, dolphins, even rats and spiders who freak me out every now and then, I still feel compassion for them. You can imagine with so many love for all those living creatures I can't hurt them in any kind of way.
If I put myself into a foodbox, I would say I'm 95% vegan en 5% vegetarian. From an ayurvedic point of view, ghee (clarified butter) is very healthy and I believe so too. Taking it step by step is the best way to achieve a new, improved, compassionated and healthy lifestyle. And every now and then, I do like some organic cheese..
A healthy foody, happy and optimistic personality and a true yogi! Ok...I still need to learn A LOT! but a yogi straight from the heart as I just found out a couple of years ago that yoga is one of my paths. I knew it already years and years ago and even now after practising yoga almost every day, yoga is one of my loves. It's a lifestyle and it fits so great with ayurveda, my compassionated view of life, vegetarism/veganism, awareness of the body, mind and soul, that I totally believe yoga is completing me and the life I'm living. I'm even starting a yoga teacher training in India this summer...how cool is that!
Basically, I'm trying to get the most out of life. Some days alone, with me and my mind..getting beautiful inspirations and getting a chance to see the beauty of life. Some days with others, boyfriend, family, friends and getting the chance to be around people having the time of my life.
Well...I guess..enough about me, let's start talking healthy food, inspirations, love, life, ayurveda en yoga and all that is;-)
Much Love,