Saturday, 27 April 2013

Do you know your food?


What's in your food?

Do you have any idea what is in your food? Do you know where your food comes from? Do you know who it produces and do you have any idea what you put into your body? Do you eat processed food such as wraps from a package, curries from a jar? Do you have any idea what's inside those jars, cans and packages?

Vegan spelt pizza with basil pesto and cherry tomatoes

It's really funny as I was posting the veggie healthy pizza last week and realising during the writing why I just love that pizza and why I don't used to be a pizza fan. Until now ofcourse;-) I realised I normaly don't like the cheese on my pizza as it gives me that fatty and guilty feeling afterwards. So since I know that, I DO love pizza's but then just the healthy ones..I feel like eating pizza every day..well..almost every day now.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Vegan banana buckwheat pancakes

I truly love pancakes. It's not that I eat them a lot..(well, I might make some tonight as well..) But they remind me of my childhood. You can fill pancakes with any kind of filling. Savory with (vegan) cheese, vegetables, spices, nuts and seeds or sweet, cooked together with fruit, syrups, sugars and again spices and nuts and seeds. There are so many options in the pancake world. There are so many options in the VEGAN pancake world too.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Ayurvedic Kitchari

I just finished my Ayurvedic Nutrition Course and it has been changing my life in an amazing way.I never actually realised how much it has been changing me and my lifestyle untill the last class of the course the teacher asked us what we have been learning from this course. It made me think about my previous lifestyle and my previous thinking regarding to food.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sometimes silence is the answer

Some days might seem hard, difficult and just not easy. If you are in a place where your mind takes you over and where your mind takes you wander and you just don't know where to start anymore. Keep breathing. Keep breathing. Keep breathing.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Homemade pizza healthy veggies

I'm not a real pizza fan. I mean, I do like pizza's, but I only eat them probably 2 times a you can't call me a pizza fan. I now know why...Most pizza's are topped with fatty cheeses, which always gave me such a fatty full feeling. You know the feeling that you overeat, or after MC Donalds..well that was what I got from the pizza's I have eaten..untill now..

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Spelt spaghetti with a vegan basil pesto sauce

This week I've been having lots of pasta's. Not sure what it is, might be a bit of comforting and also easy food. My mom have lived in Italy for 5 years, my parents actually met in I guess there must be a family feeling around Italian food..especially pasta's.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Clubsandwich met gegrilde halloumi & groenten en een homemade vegan basilicum pesto

Van de week heb ik een heerlijke couscoussalade gegeten met gegrilde halloumi. En toen ik gisteravond wat simpels en makkelijk wilde eten lag daar mooi precies nog 1 stukje halloumi, precies genoeg voor 1 persoon. In combinatie met het heerlijke gezonde spelt brood, de gegrilde groentes en de homemade vegan basilicum pesto een heerlijke topper!
Wat heb je nodig?

* 1 persoon
* 20 minuten

- een halve aubergine door de lengte in schijfjes van ongeveer 1 cm gesneden
- de helft van een halloumi blokje in dikke repen gesneden
- 3 stuks brood naar keuze

- 1 tomaat in schijfjes gesneden

Voor de pesto:

- 2 koffiekopjes basilicum blaadjes
- 1 tot 2 teentjes knoflook grof gesneden

- een half koffiekopje geroosterde pijnboompitten
- het sap van een halve citroen
- een klein gedroogd chilipepertje
- olijfolie
- zout

Bestrooi de aubergine plakjes met zout en laat deze uitlekken in bijvoorbeeld een vergiet. Verhit de oven op ongeveer 200 graden en leg hierin de tomaten. Grill deze 15-20 minuten totdat ze zo goed als droog zijn. Doe de basilicum met de pijnboompitten, knoflook, citroen en chilipeper in de keukenmachine en mix alles glad. Voeg op de laagste stand vervolgens wat olijfolie door totdat dit een zachte pasta wordt. Breng wat op smaak met zout en houdt apart. Verhit vervolgens de grill. Dep de aubergine plakjes droog met wat keukenpapier en grill deze aan beide kanten op hoog vuur ongeveer 5 minuten per kant. Leg deze vervolgens apart. Grill vervolgens de halloumi aan beide kanten 3 minuten op de grill. Leg het brood in de oven bij de tomaten en bak dit nog een paar minuten mee totdat deze lekker knapperig is. Leg 1 laag brood op een bordje en smeer hier royaal de pesto over. Leg de halloumi er op en vervolgens de aubergine en de tomaten. Smeer nog wat pesto erover en leg het 2e broodje hierop. Doe het zelfde op deze laag en dek af met het laatste broodje. Enjoy!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Raw cacao bliss balls

You know these days when you are craving for something sweet? Especially after dinner you sometimes feel like eating something sweet and delicious. I found out that I always needed to have some dates in my kitchen. As you can do anything with them. Put them in a smoothie, salad, eat them as a snack from the hand or you can add them in some middle eastern dishes. Yumm!!! But the best is: you can make some lovely bliss balls with them;-) From cookie dough balls, to fruity chocolate chip balls.