Monday 22 April 2013

Homemade pizza healthy veggies

I'm not a real pizza fan. I mean, I do like pizza's, but I only eat them probably 2 times a you can't call me a pizza fan. I now know why...Most pizza's are topped with fatty cheeses, which always gave me such a fatty full feeling. You know the feeling that you overeat, or after MC Donalds..well that was what I got from the pizza's I have eaten..untill now..

I have been making my own, vegan and so without cheese veggies and healthy pizza and it was delicious. With the homemade tomato sauce and the lovely herbs, it was a great pleasure. Even when I have finished the pizza, I felt great. Not too full and still healthy. That means from now on...there will be more vegan pizza's coming our way;-)

What do you need for this healthy, non processed fat, vegan and organic pizza?

* one big pizzaplate (probably for 2)
* 40 minutes

- organic pizza dough (This is what I had in my house, you can ofcourse give it a try with any kind of flower and extra's you need to make for the pizzacrust)
- 6 sundried tomatoes
- 2 tomatoes
- 3 pitted dates
- 4 cloves of garlic

- a pinch of Himalayan salt
- 2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 dried chiliflake
- 2 tblsp dried oregano
- 1 red onions, diced in rings
- 15 haricot verts/green beans topped
- sprouts of choice
- 2 handful chopped walnuts

Make the pizza crust according to preparation. Put the sundried tomatoes, tomatoes, dates, 2 gloves of the garlic, lemonjuice, Himalayan salt and the dried chiliflake in the food processor and mix well until a thick paste. Put the tomato sauce on the pizza and slice the rest of the garlic in thin slices. Divide them on the tomato sauce together with the onions and the haricot verts/green beans and bake the pizza in the oven. (probably about 20-25 minutes according to preparation time). When the pizza is done garnish with the sprouts and the chopped walnuts and enjoy a very delicious & healthy pizza!

1 comment:

  1. In Italy pizza makers must be licensed by the government in order to maintain the quality of one of Italy's favorite dishes.
