Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Speltbulgur with grilled asparagus and a tahini sauce

Since I know how to cook my asparagus I'm a big big fan...There is so much what you can do with asparagus: cook them in an Asian stew, grill them, make eggrolls with them of just put them in a wrap...and there is still so much more..

One of my favourite ways to eat them is to cook & grill them as they are soft from the inside but crispy from the outside and you can still feel the asparagus nourishing your body. With asparagus you can truly feel their healthy working on your mind and they are super duper delicious too;-) What do you need for this recipe?

* serves 1
* 20 minutes

- 4 or 5 asparagus (depending on how much you would like to eat:-) with the steels cut off
- speltbulgur around 70-80 grams
- 2 tblsp tahini (sesame pasta)
- an handful of fresh parsley
- 2 cloves of peeled garlic
- 5 tblsp of fresh lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon (Himalaya) salt
- 3 tblsp water
- 2 handful of roasted pinenuts

- 1 handful of slivered almonds

Put the asparagus for about 7 minutes in boiled water. Cook the spelt bulgur according to preparation. Heat the grill and grill the asparagus on every side for about 10 minutes total. But the tahini, with the water, lemon juice, garlic en salt in a foodprocessor and mix everything very well untill fine and not very thick anymore. If it is still too thick add some more water. You can mix it by hand too, just make sure to chop the garlic very finely or mix it with a mortar. Whisk it all. Put the parsley in it and mix it with a fork or spoon together untill the parsley is all covered in the tahini sauce. Serve the grilled asparagus on top of the bulgur and put the tahini sauce and the pinenuts and almonds on top. Enjoy your healthy and easy food.

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